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Frequently Asked Questions

Q - What is the benefit of the most current 50% Property Tax Exemption ballot initiative?
A -100,000 retired people on fixed incomes won’t lose their home because they can’t afford property tax. All the working people looking at buying a home will be able to afford their government rent (property tax).

Families struggling to make ends meet. Home owners who try to budget and then get hit by risin by these last 2 unexpected increases in their property taxes.

Q - What is a ballot initiative?
A - Legislation or bills principally comes from a legislative body. In Wyoming The People can write bills and enact legislation but it must be voted for on the ballot at a General Election in order to become law. Wyoming SOS page.

Q - Is there an advantage to a a ballot initiative?
A- Yes. The framers of the Constitution foresaw a time when the Legislature would grid-lock or fail to act. The provision  for a Peoples ballot initiative was provided as a remedy. A ballot initiative skips the Legislature and the bypasses the Governors office so is veto proof, and the bill cannot be struck for two years.

Q - How does this process work?
A - A committee of three draft the bill, submit it to Secretary of State for legal review. Next, 100 sponsors signatures are submitted supporting the measure. Once certified petitions are printed. Circulators present it to the public for signing. Fifteen, (15%) of the number that voted in the last General Election (30,000 voters for this Initiative) are needed to have the Initiative placed on the next general election ballot. These signatures must come from at least 2/3 of the counties in Wyoming (at least 16). The Initiative or proposition becomes LAW when 51% of the voters vote Yes in the upcoming election (November, 2024). (Initiative process)

Q - Where can I sign a petition?
A - CLICK HERE TO FIND YOUR COUNTY CONTACT. Email or call them. To sign a petition you must have voted in the last General Election and your address must be the same as the one had then. If it has changed go to the courthouse and update or register to vote. Each county in Wyoming has a contact person that can connect you to a Circulator or Sponsor (person with a petition). There’s a central point of contact on this Home Page if your county coordinator is unavailable.

Q - What can I do to help?
A - You can sign a petition, be a circulator of petitions, or donateWe need volunteers that will place petitions in their stores, businesses, or position themselves in public places with petition so the public can sign it. Go HERE to find your County Captains as they will have petitions for you to sign, or for you to become a Circulator! This is US people! WE can only do this together.

Q - Is there a cost to this?
A - Please donate (Go HERE). We accept donations to cover the cost and report contributions and expenditures to Secretary of State. We do no use any donations for fuel, food, or lodging. This is one of the few laws in a lifetime that will put money back in your pocket. As far as the ballot process we the Committee and  several of the Sponsors payed the application fee ($1,000) and the cost of printing the petitions along with website fees, and other expenses to get the petitions to the counties. No reimbursement comes from the government.
After the signatures are collected, and before November 2024, we will have to campaign for the Initiative HARD. Billboards, yard signs, flyers, radio spots, etc.  We will need a war chest.
After the 2024 Legislature meets, we will 
know WHO needs to be primaried out, and who needs to be primaried IN. These will also be on billboards in their own Districts so people will know who to vote FOR and who needs to GO.

Q - Will cutting Property Taxes hurt the children or schools?
A - No. There is $25 billion in reserves in 23 counties accumulated thru excessive taxes through out the state. 10-20% of Wyoming's $13 Billion budget is squandered on windmills, carbon capture sequestration (Dry Fork Experimental Power Plant), CCS Pipeline, and other hidden deals. Wyoming is a Tax Shelter for estimated $100 Billion dollars of corporation money from thousands of out of state and out of country businesses. (Cowboy Cocktail). If Wyoming was hurting for money Cheyenne  would be opening the Pacific Ports for our energy products.

BCR Initiatives
P.O. Box 38
Sheridan, WY 82802

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